Iris AD is a company with more than 100 years of history, successor of the first textile factory in the city of Ruse, established in 1905.
During the years the company was restructured several times in order to be in step with the constantly changing economic situation.
As a textile enterprise Iris is a preferable partner of many leading companies in the field of the textile industry in Germany - QUELLE, OTTO, KARSTADT, NECKERMANN, as well as of companies from France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Greece and other countries.
After the admission of China and India in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the elimination of the quotas for import from these countries to Europe and the USA, the prices of the textile products fell dramatically and the production of such products in Bulgaria became unprofitable. The managers of Iris started a process of restructuring the company in order to meet the new challenges.
As of today the business of Iris AD is diversified and the company has investments in different fields of business.